Do you wish to be as happy as Adam from Birmingham UK and his friend Simon who got to meet the Girls backstage before one of their final London shows?
If you are saying yes and you live in the Washington DC area, here is your chance. The official website is holding a competition for one Spice fan (and one guest) to have a meet and greet with the Girls before their show at the Verizon Centre in Washington DC on the 21st of February. Naturally a pair of tickets to that show also come with the package.
All you need to do to enter this competition is send an e-mail with your name, age, address and telephone number to competitions@thespicegirls.com with the answer to this trivia question.
Which Spice Girls have celebrated their birthdays during the tour so far? (I'll give you a hint: There are two of them, and each of their birthdays have been posted on this blog)
All submissions must be in by 12 noon (UK time) on Wednesday February 13th.

But back to Adam and Simon for a minute. When asked by the official website what the experience was like for him, Adam stated,
"It was one of the best experiences of my life, thank you.
Emma was absolutely lovely, she grabbed me straight away and gave me a kiss and then I had a chat with Melanie C. While we were having the picture taken I asked Victoria if she was going to smile and she joked: 'You know Posh Spice doesn't smile'. But as soon as the photograph was taken she turned and gave me a big grin.
It was brilliant seeing the show after meeting them too. We had seats right by the stage and Mel B blew Simon a kiss from the stage while Melanie C gave me a nod and a smile."
Lucky bugger.
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