For all your Spice Girls/Solo Spice needs.
As promised, here is the second part of the Melanie C interview. The questions get a bit better in this part, except for the girl who wastes my viewing time to get a hug from Melanie. Annoying.
Lol, I'm so bitter.
The fact that they did a bit of research and mentioned that Melanie's song First Day Of My Life is the theme song for the German Telenovela Wege zum Glück, makes me like them just a little bit over at MTV Canada. One question though (since I never really watch this channel), does the cute guy without the glasses actually do anything on this show? Or is he just there for decoration?
Looking forward to the Cross Canada tour in May. Hoorah.
Okay, I don't want to be a total buzzkill but I did watch both of Melanie's interviews that she did yesterday with Much Music and MTV Canada and I gotta say that I was a bit disappointed in both. I wasn't by any stretch of the imagination disappointed in her but just by the interviewer quality. Plus some Spice fans are so obnoxious and ask the stupidest questions that it really makes for unpleasant viewing on my part.
"Do you think you and the other Girls will be keeping in touch?" I mean really, you know the answer is going to be yes.
However, I did find the MTV Canada interview a little less annoying (and longer) than the Much one so I've decided to add the two parts of that one.
I am glad that both interviews mentioned her surprise backflip during the last show, considering she hasn't really done one since the knee injury she suffered during the UK Games Charity Competition back in 2003. It was a wonderful highlight of the show. Look for part 2 any minute.
This is an official promotional video of Geri talking about her new Childrens Book, Ugenia Lavender. The first book will have three seperate stories within it's pages. Listen as Geri reads a snippet from one of the stories called The Red Shoes.
I love that she's holding the book open but she's not even reading from it lol. That is genius to me, it's like product placement at its worst. Do you think she's reading the story off of a monitor or does she just know it by heart?
Give it a look, it sounds really well written for a kids book. The first of the series will be released in May and there are rumours that Geri has recorded a new track called Bamboozled to accompany the books. Cute.
I hate Valentine's Day just as much as the next single person but I thought I should add at least one love song just to commemorate this as some kind of festive day. Plus it's just a good song, full stop.
Emma shot this lovely video on a beach in Sardinia, Italy along with director Greg Masuak. The song itself was the second single released from Emma's debut solo album "A Girl Like Me". It peaked on the UK singles chart at number five in the summer of 2001 and was Emma's first solo single to cross the pond and land itself in the number 6 position on the US Hot Dance Club Play Chart.
I had to add this. It's hot and really, what better combination is there besides Geri and the delightful Ms. Kylie Minogue.
I'm sure the ratings for this show skyrocketed for awhile after this.
I said I would try and add the Northern Star performance from Mel's solo gig at the Grand Ballroom on Saturday night but I decided to go with the Reason performance because this song wasn't released as a single and therefore there is no music video for it that I can add to this site. Plus, what I say goes around here lol.
She performs impecably well and the audience is just as responsive. Give it a listen.